[McDonald's loses the legal battle with chef Jamie Oliver, who proved that the food they sell is not...

[McDonald's loses the legal battle with chef Jamie Oliver, who proved that the food they sell is not fit to be ingested because it is highly toxic. Chef Jamie Oliver has won a battle against the world's largest junk food chain. Oliver proving how burgers are made. According to Oliver, the fat parts of meat are "washed" with ammoniac hydrogen and then used in the packaging of the meat "cake" to fill the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, already this meat was not suitable for human consumption. Oliver, a radical activist chef, who has waged a war against the food industry, says: We’re talking about meat that would be sold as dog food and after this process it’s served to humans. In addition to the quality of meat, ammonium acid is harmful to health. Oliver says this: "The process of the pink crap". What sane human being would put a piece of meat soaked in ammonium hydrogen in the mouth of a child? In another of his initiatives Oliver has demonstrated how chicken nuggets are made: after selecting the "best parts", the rest: fat, skin, cartilage, visuals, bones, head, legs, are subjected to a mec split smoothie canica - it's the euphemism that engineers use in food, and then that blood pink paste is deodorant, bleached, re-refreshed and repainted, dipped in flour and fried melcocha, this is left in usually partially hydrogenated oils, that is, toxins. The food industry uses ammonium hydrogen as an anti-microbial agent, which allowed McDonald's to use meat in its burgers, which is not suitable for human consumption. But even more disturbing is the situation that these substances based on ammonium hydrogen are considered 'lawful components in the production process' in the food industry with the blessings of health authorities worldwide. So consumers will never be able to discover what substances they put in our food. #themoreyouknow PLEASE STOP FEEDING YOUR KIDS THIS FAKE FOOD because NOW YOU KNOW. ✅ Don’t be a victim of ignorance ☑️ Think while it’s still legal. ℹ️ For raw truth, knowledge guidance & wisdom follow our telegram messenger group. 💫 Join us - t.me/darkuniverse09

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